We offer you an easy connection between your balance sheet as a financier and the balance sheet of the SME and CRE investor. Our offerings are modular. Together we will determine the service offerings that match your needs.
How we work
1. Assessment of your service needs
Our offerings are modulair. Together we will determine the service offerings that match your servicing needs.
2. Service offerings
Our offerings are transparent in terms of pricing and conditions. We offer an end-2-end lending value chain: your customer is our care.
3. Implementation
Together with you, we will take care of a swift and accurate implementation and alignment with all your operational and financial systems. Before going live, we will perform a dry run to test all the systems and processes.
4. Execution
A team of experienced customer contact employees and an IT system with a proven track record supported by skillful developers will take care of the execution.
5. Reporting
We will provide all relevant information regarding portfolio development, risk management and client satisfaction on a level and frequency complying with your standards.